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Get the Knowledge. Get the Help. Free your Mind. 



The Mental Health Summit Corporation (TMHS) was but a concept in 2018 when creator and founder, Corey Sams, was a contestant in the national pageant competition - Mr. United States. He competed with the platform MENtal Health with an emphasis on Men. Although, Corey did not take home the national title in 2018, he carried his passion for mental health awareness on. In 2019, TMHS was born as Corey wanted to celebrate the first quarter century (25) of his life giving back. 

August 2019 marked the inaugural event for us and we haven't looked back since. TMHS aims to create awareness and normalcy around mental health. Shifting the focus from men only to EVERYONE, we've begun building a community of individuals who care to make themselves the best possible versions to date. Our main goal is to help make therapy and positive mental health practices more accessible to people.


Taking care of your mental health is not a luxury. That's why with each event hosted by TMHS the funds raised go towards our Therapy Fund. This is how we send people to therapy that may not have the means to do so for themselves. Our events foster opportunities for the communities we serve to interact with their mental space in new and fun ways. Therapy is but one way to take care of your mental health. Although it is important, we want to show that there are other tools that are available as well. 

Like what you see? Tag along. Who knows what you might find! Get the Knowledge. Get the help. Free your Mind. 



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Introducing the M3 Summit!

M3 = Making Minds Matter. You matter, and so does your mind! We want to take the time to showcase that!  

Navigating the In Between is this year's theme. Have you ever felt a little uncertainty when encountered with a transitional space in life? That's the "in between". In between jobs, in between relationships, in between moving, in between graduation and entering the real world... the "in between" can be a scary place. We offer a look into how we as an organization are navigating that space alongside so many like you. 

Donations allow us to keep producing quality content to help engage our audiences and further our reach. Along side that we are able to put a percentage of those funds to our therapy fund. A fund specifically dedicated to helping send people to therapy that may not have the means to do so. Click the donate button to help us help others!


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